The Minnesota Advisory Council on STEM Learning

The Minnesota Advisory Council on STEM Learning was established to grow STEM literacy and close the STEM learning and workforce opportunity gap through a cross-sector collaboration that centers equity.

The purpose of the Council is to grow STEM literacy and close the STEM learning and workforce opportunity gap through a cross-sector collaboration that centers equity.

The Council was designed to create equity-based statewide STEM learning strategies and develop shared resources to support STEM learning through cross-sector, cross-system representation of in-school (K12 and Higher Education) and after-school STEM learning providers, state agencies, industry, non-profits, and other interested parties in STEM.

We believe the Council will increase the impact of STEM learning by connecting regional STEM networks with shared resources and best practices through the Minnesota STEM Ecosystem.

The work of the MN Advisory Council on STEM Learning

The 2024 Inaugural Membership of the MN Advisory Council on STEM Learning

  • Upcoming Meeting Dates
  • August 12, 2024, 1:00 pm
  • October 14, 2024, 10:00 am